山竹提取物Mangosteen Extract alpha Mangostin

山竹提取物Mangosteen Extract alpha Mangostin




單價︰CNY ¥ 220 / 公斤

最少訂量︰1 公斤



【品    名】山竹提取物 倒捻子素

【規    格】10%  20%,30%  90%多規格

【拉丁名稱】Garcinia mangostana L.
【外    觀】棕黃色粉末
【CAS  No.】6147-11-1
【產品介紹】在熱帶地區一年四季都盛產新鮮的水果,但被人稱為‘果后’的山竹每半年只產一次。在氣候溫和的北美和歐洲,人們對山竹幾乎聞所未聞,而在熱帶雨林地區,山竹卻家喻戶曉,人們稱其為‘果中之後’和 ‘上帝之果’。山竹所以稱為‘果后’,山竹的果皮或外皮都蘊含豐富的Xanthone。山竹果肉含可溶性固形物16.8%,檸檬酸0.63%,還含有其它維生素B1,B2,C4和礦物質。




About Products:

The Mangostin, colloquially known simply as "the mangosteen", is a tropical evergreen tree, believed to have originated in the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. The Purple Mangosteen belongs to the same genus as the other – less widely known mangosteens, such as the Button Mangosteen (G. prainiana) or the Lemondrop Mangosteen (G. madruno).

Mangostin, also known as the Queen of Fruits, is a delicious tasting fruit native to Southeast Asia. Mangosteen rind was found to have strong antioxidant properties, due to the high content of Xanthones. Of the 200 known xanthones, nearly 50 are found in the "Queen of Fruits”. α-, β-, γ-mangostin are the major components, the most abundant of which is α-mangostin.



1. Anti-oxidant: Mangostin is the inhibitor of oxidation of LDL, which have major role in cardio-vascular and related chronic diseases.

2. Anti-allergies and inflammations: γ- mangostin was identified to inhibit COX.

3. Anti-virus and anti-bacteria: the polysaccharides in the extract form can stimulate phagocytic cells to kill intracellular bacteria.

4. Anti-cancer: Mangostin has been revealed to inhibit topoisomerase, which is essential for cell division in cancer cells, also could selectively induce cell apoptosis and inhibit cell division.




1. Applied in food field, it is often made into juice or other drinks in th