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藤茶提取物二氢杨梅素 Dihydromyricetin
杨梅素 Myricetin
绿原酸Chlorogenic acid
厚朴提取物Magnolia bark extract
博落回提取物Macleaya cordata extract
迷迭香提取物rosemary leaf extract
迷迭香酸rosmarnic aicd
鼠尾草酸Carnosic acid
熊果酸Ursolic acid
鼠尾草酸油carnosic acid liquid oil
绿咖啡豆提取物green coffee bean extract
金银花提取物honeysuckle flower extract
巴拿巴叶提取物Banaba leaf extract
枇杷叶提取物Loquat leaf extract
石杉碱甲huperzine a
阿魏酸Ferulic acid

厚朴提取物Magnolia bark extract  



来源: 厚朴

拉丁名称:Magnolia officinalis.

提取部位: 为木兰科落叶乔木植物厚朴Magnolia officinalis Rehd.et Wils.或凹叶厚朴M.officinalis Rehd.et Wils. var.biloba Rehd.et Wils.的干皮、根皮及枝皮

规格: 1%-98%
有效成份 :厚朴酚,和厚朴酚,厚朴总酚



颜色: 浅黄色至类白色




厚朴别名香朴、赤朴、紫油厚朴等,为常用中药。首载于《神农本草经》,列为中品。 厚朴提取物是以厚朴 Magnolia officinalis 等的干燥的根皮、茎皮或枝皮为原料提取的 产品,商品提取物通常对厚朴酚、和厚朴酚的含量进行标化。
【分布】木兰科木兰属植物全世界约有 90 种,我国约有 30 种,其中有药用价值的约 20 种。厚朴生于海拔 300
1700m 的土壤肥沃、土深厚的向阳山坡、林缘处。
【产地】厚朴主要分布于湖北西部、四川南部、陕西南部及甘肃南部;凹叶厚朴主要分 布于江西、安徽、浙江、福建、湖南、广西及广东北部。厚朴、凹叶厚朴多有交叉分布,均 有大面积人工栽培。
【主要成分】厚朴树皮含厚朴酚、和厚朴酚、异厚朴酚等成分。并从厚朴的乙酸乙酯提 取液中分离出了三羟基厚朴酚,去氧三羟基厚朴酚,三羟基厚朴醛,聚厚朴酚甲、丙。树皮 含挥发油约 1%,油中主要含β - 油醇; 尚含α - 蒎烯、β
- 蒎烯、柠檬烯、乙酸龙脑酯。树 皮中亦含木兰箭毒碱。叶亦含厚朴酚、和厚朴酚。
【采收加工】4 6 月剥取生长 15 年以上树的干皮,置沸水中微煮后,堆置土坑里,上 盖青草使之 发汗 ,待水分自内部渗出后,内表面变紫褐色或棕褐色时,再蒸软,取出, 卷成筒状,晒干或炕干。根皮及枝皮剥下后可直接阴干。







色谱条件与系统使用性试验 以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂,以甲醇、水(78:22)
为流动相;检测波长为 294nm.理论板数按照厚朴酚计算应不低于 3800.
取厚朴酚对照品、和厚朴酚对照品适量,精密称定,加甲醇分别制成每 1ml 含厚朴酚
45ug、和厚朴酚 45ug 的溶液,即得。
取样品适量,精密称定,置容量瓶中,加甲醇 - 水(78:22)溶解,精密加入甲醇、水(78:22)
测定法 分别精密吸取上述两种对照品溶液各 10ul 与供试品溶液 10ul,注入液相色谱 仪,测定,即得。
87.5℃。旋光度±0°, cm  1:3280,1610,1500,882,826。可溶于 般的有机溶剂,易溶
于苯, ,氯仿,乙醇等,难溶于水。在氯仿中与氯化铁作用成蓝色。与三氯化铁甲醇溶
液反应,显蓝黑色,与 Millon 试剂反应,现棕色沉淀,与间苯三酚盐酸溶液反应现红色沉



1.Bae K, Yoo B, Lee M, Seo W (1985) Antimicrobial activities of hydroxybiphenyl derivatives. I. Antibacterial activities and HPLC determination of magnolol and honokiol. Arch. Pharm. Res. 8: 85–89

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3.Fujita M, Itokawa H, Sashida Y (1972) Honokiol, a new phenolic compound isolated from the bark of Magnolia obovata Thunb. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 20: 212–213

4.Fujita M, Itokawa H, Sashida Y (1973a) Studies on the components of Magnolia obovata Thunb. I. On the components of the essential oil of the bark. Yakugaku Zasshi 93: 415–421

5.Fujita M, Itokawa H, Sashida Y (1973b) Studies on the components of Magnolia obovata Thunb. II. On the components of the methanol extract of the bark. Yakugaku Zasshi 93: 422–428

6.Fujita M, Itokawa H, Sashida Y (1973c) Studies on the components of Magnolia obovata Thunb. III. Occurrence of magnolol and honokiol inM. obovata and other allied plants. Yakugaku Zasshi 93: 429–434

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11.Namba T, Tsunezuka M, Hattori M (1982a) Dental caries prevention by traditional Chinese medicines. II. Potent antibacterial action of Magnoliae cortex extracts againstStreptococcus mutans. Planta Med. 44: 100–106

12.Namba T, Hattori M, Tsunezuka M, Yamagishi T, Konishi K (1982b) Studies on dental caries prevention by traditional Chinese medicines. III. In vitro susceptibility of a variety of bacteria to magnolol and honokiol, the components of Magnoliae cortex. Shoyakugaku Zasshi 36: 222–227

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14.Watanabe H, Watanabe K, Hagino K (1983a) Chemostructural requirement for centrally acting muscle relaxant effect of magnolol and honokiol, neolignan derivatives. J. Pharm. Dyn. 6: 184–190

15.Watanabe K, Watanabe H, Goto Y, Yamaguchi M, Yamamoto N, Hagino K (1983b) Pharmacological properties of magnolol and honokiol extracted fromMagnolia officinalis: Central depressant effects. Planta Med. 49: 103–106

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17.Antifungal constituents in the bark ofMagnolia obovata Thunb
The acetone extract of the bark ofMagnolia obovata...Thunb. had potent antifungal activity against plant pathogenic and wood destroying fungi. The active principles were isolated and identified to be eudesmols (I...

M. Mori, M. Aoyama, S. Doi in Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff (1997)

18.Anti-Helicobacter pylori effect of costunolide isolated from the stem bark ofMagnolia sieboldii
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is now established as the major pathogenic factor in chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. In addition, there is accumulating evidence that

Jong-Beak Park, Chong-Kyo Lee, Hee Juhn Park in Archives of Pharmacal Research (1997)

19.Separation and determination of magnolol and honokiol inMagnolia officinalis bark by capillary zone electrophoresis
The effects of pH on separation parameters such as migration mobility, resolution, sensitivity, column efficiency and peak shape were emphatically studied. Better separation of magnolol and honokiol using capi...

Ziping Zhang, Zhide Hu, Gengliang Yang in Microchimica Acta (1997)

20.Cytotoxic germacranolide sesquiterpenes from the bark of Magnolia kobus
A new (3...) and three known germacrane-type sesquiterpenoids were isolated from the chloroform-soluble fraction of the methanolic extract of the bark of Magnolia kobus (Magnoliaceae) through repeated silica gel ...

Hee Wook Park, Jae Hyeok Lee, Sang-Un Choi, Nam-In Baek… in Archives of Pharmacal Research (2010)

21.Effects of (+)-eudesmin from the stem bark of Magnolia kobus DC. var.borealis Sarg. on neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells
(+)-Eudesmin [4,8-bis (3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-3,7-dioxabicyclo[3.3.0]octane] was isolated from the stem bark ofMagnolia kobus DC. var.borealis Sarg. and found to have neuritogenic activity. 50 μM (+)-eudesmin induc...

Yoo Jung Yang, Jae In Park, Hak-Ju Lee, Seon-Mi Seo… in Archives of Pharmacal Research (2006)

22.Furofuran lignans from the bark of Magnolia kobus
A new furofuran lignan (1) along with four knownones (2-5) were isolated from the bark of Magnolia kobus. Their structures were elucidated as (+)-2α-(3’,4’-dimethoxyphenyl)-6α-(3″-hydroxy-4″,5″-dimethoxyphenyl)-3...

Seon-Mi Seo, Hak-Ju Lee, Oh-Kyu Lee, Hyun-Jin Jo… in Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2008)

23.Apoptosis-inducing Costunolide and a novel acyclic monoterpene from the stem bark ofMagnolia sieboldii
In a course of obtaining more amount of bioactive costunolide and successive phytochemical isolation fromMagnolia sieboldii (Magnoliaceae), a novel acyclic monoterpene 1 named deoxygeraniol (2,6(E)-dimethyl-2, 6-...

Hee Juhn Park, Sang Hyuk Kwon, Yong Nam Han… in Archives of Pharmacal Research (2001)

24.Biological activity and toxicity of the Chinese herb Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E. Wilson (Houpo) and its constituents
Traditional Chinese herbal drugs have been used for thousands of years in Chinese pharmacopoeia. The bark of Magnolia officinalis Rehder & E. Wilson, known under the pinyin name “Houpo”, has been traditionally us...

Mélanie Poivre, Pierre Duez in Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (2017)

25.Magnolia Ethanol Extract on Growth of Tumor in Tumor Mice S180
This paper carries on anti-tumor activities research of the ethanol extract of Magnolia officinalis (MEE). Our results showed that MEE has obvious anti-tumor activities to transplanted tumor model of the mouse...

Lin Yuan, Xianju Huang, Jiaqiang Sun in Information Technology and Agricultural Engineering (2012)

26.Effect of a proprietary Magnolia and Phellodendronextract on stress levels in healthy women: a pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Recent research has established correlations between stress, anxiety, insomnia and excess body weight and these correlations have significant implications for health. This study measured the effects of a propr...

Douglas S Kalman, Samantha Feldman, Robert Feldman, Howard I Schwartz… in Nutrition Journal (2008)

27.Protective effect of the ethanol extract of Magnolia officinalis and 4-O-methylhonokiol on scopolamine-induced memory impairment and the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity
Magnolol, honokiol, and obovatol are well-known bioactive constituents of the bark of Magnolia officinalis and have been used as traditional Chinese medicines for the treatment of neurosis, anxiety, and stroke. W...

Yong Kyung Lee, Dong Yeon Yuk, Tae Il Kim, Young Heui Kim… in Journal of Natural Medicines (2009)

28.This index lists all 3367 normalized pharmacological activity terms appeared in the encyclopedia in alphabetical order and a number code sequence of the related compounds follows the bold term immediately.

Jiaju Zhou, Guirong Xie, Xinjian Yan in Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medici… (2011)

29.Anti-platelet effect of the constituents isolated from the barks and fruits ofMagnolia obovata
In the course of our work on anti-platelet constituents from plants, five phenolic compounds, mag-nolol, honokiol, obovatol, methyl caffeate, and syringin, were isolated from the methanol extracts of the barks an...

Mi Kyung Pyo, YongYook Lee, Hye Sook Yun-Choi in Archives of Pharmacal Research (2002)

30.Antioxidant activity of the different polar solvent extracts of Magnolia officinalis leaves and purification of main active compounds
The leaf of Magnolia officinalis is abundant in natural resources as a novel potential antioxidant and has great commercial value. In this study, the contents of total phenolics, total flavonoids, magnolol and ho...

Li-Hong Tan, Dan Zhang, Bao Yu, Sheng-Ping Zhao… in European Food Research and Technology (2015)

31.Magnolia grandiflora
Tong Kwee Lim in Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants (2014)

32.Effects of aging on the phenolic content and antioxidant activities of magnolia (Magnolia denudata) flower extracts
Magnolia contains a large variety of physiologically active compounds, including phenolic compounds, and the magnolia flower is used for preparation of tea. The phenolic content and antioxidant activities of m...

Hyungeun Yoon in Food Science and Biotechnology (2014)

33.Effect of Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense (Relora®) on cortisol and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects
These results indicate that daily supplementation with a combination of Magnolia bark extract and Phellodendron bark extract (Relora®) reduces cortisol exposure and perceived daily stress, while improving a varie...

Shawn M Talbott, Julie A Talbott, Mike Pugh in Journal of the International Society of Sp… (2013)

34.Magnolia spp.
There are three official entries containing Magnolia species in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia:

Xinyi, Flos Magnoliae, is the dry flower buds of Magnolia biondii Pamp., M. denudata Desr...

Professor Dr. Weici Tang, Professor Dr. Gerhard Eisenbrand in Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin (1992)

35.Magnolia grandiflora Linn.
C.P. Khare in Indian Medicinal Plants (2007)

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